Events, Podcasts, Stories & more.

12 Days of Christmas Fundraiser
This festive season, we are launching our 12 Days of Christmas Campaign to raise awareness about the vital mental health and wellbeing support available to everyone during the holidays. While Christmas can be a time of joy and celebration, it can also bring stress, loneliness, and emotional challenges for many. Our mission is to shine a light on resources, services, and strategies that can help people navigate the season with better mental health and well-being.

Run The Runways 2024
Join Aviation Action this May to walk, jog or run 31 Runways in 31 Days!

World Suicide Prevention Day - How to Cope With the 'S' Word with Steve Phillip and the Jordan Legacy CIC
How to Cope with the S Word with Steve Phillip and The Jordan Legacy

Podcast - Listen up.
By Soma Pemmireddy/George Bloor
Aviation Action was found by Chris Wild (Head of Airfield Operations @Manchester Airport Group) and is supported by many aviation professionals. In this podcast we reach out by sharing tips + career advice + some amazing stories of colleagues working in the aviation and support services. We hope you enjoy the Aviation Action Podcast! Please make sure to subscribe!
Real Life Stories
Dan, Airfield Operations
I have always been one of those lucky people who loves their job, but in March this year with the horrible Flybe situation I found my career and my passion suddenly thrown into uncertainty.
Joe, Airside Operations
Joe has worked at Heathrow for the past 9 years in Airside Operations and more recently in Aerodrome Safety Investigation Manager. Following a restructure as a result of COVID-19 and at risk of redundancy, Joe contacted Aviation Action for advice and went on to secure a new role.
Emma, Airport Operations
Emma is a ground handling and airport operations expert. Emma was forced to leave her recent airport role when COVID-19 started to take effect and she contacted Aviation Action for support.